Bacon’s merit was that of being the first to carry out a cultural battle against Aristotelianism in favor of the possibilities of new knowledge.

People initially considered it immoral because Aristotle’s values ​​and principles were seen as absolute truth. With his scientific revolution Bacon reformed knowledge and the method by which to achieve it.

Bacon believed that true knowledge must be discovered and not innate, I must make a hypothesis and then carry out experiments to call my thesis truth. 

Precisely for the development of his scientific method, based on knowledge demonstrated with tangible proof, Francis Bacon is one of the fathers of empiricism.


It was a revolution because it denied all the knowledge that until then had been accepted as true.Man must free himself from the subjugation to the authority of traditional theories, superstitions and prejudices (idola) to reach true knowledge

The Baconian method is a new tool (a NOVUM ORGANUM”) to interpret nature, proceeding step by step, and master it for the improvement of human life.

Modern scientists are better than the ancients because the first ones have not simply observed the models of great masters but have developed a relationship of knowledge and experience, which leads to progress.

The fundamental objective of man is to know nature in order to dominate it, in compliance with its laws. Science must ensure man’s dominion over nature and therefore the improvement of his living conditions: KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

Every person has the social ethical responsibility to transmit scientific knowledge and moral virtues.

“ the scientist must not be like the ant that collects everything it finds and must not even be like the spider that produces its own web of its own, but must be like a bee that takes nectar and transforms it into honey. . (therefore the scientist must not rely on supercial observations or even reason from his personal considerations, but must find a middle ground between these two behaviors. 


Although it is difficult to establish a boundary between rationality and ideology, Bacon’s philosophical thought is inspired by his religious thought, which is a Calvinist Christian thought.

Baconian empirical reason has a foundation which is not a logical principle but is faith.

Many Catholic scholars believe Bacon to be the father of a scientific atheism that celebrates the omnipotence of science against the omnipotence of God.

Bacon, on the other hand, is inspired by the biblical passages that say that man will earn his bread with the sweat of his brow and explains that man must work and transform nature to satisfy his material and spiritual needs.

For Bacon, progress is a medium and not an end, a very powerful means of transforming the world and man’s living conditions. Progress is a means to be used wisely and in a spirit of charity for the greater glory of God.

Bacon’s religious faith stimulates research and action. This faith is therefore a non-dogmatic but pragmatic faith, which exalts the liberating function of scientific knowledge precisely while emphasizing the precarious cognitive power of man.

The English philosopher foresees the clear distinction between science and faith. Respect for the laws of nature comes from respecting the laws of God.

No less important is his explicit conviction that faith is not restricted to the private or personal sphere but has a precise social function, since an atheist society would be destined to disintegrate.


Francis Bacon discovers a new system of conceiving the importance of knowledge in order not to abuse power and improve humanity. James I said “I can make mistakes but you have to obey me”., only because he was the King. Bacon’s revolutionary system makes it possible to govern in a more correct and less tyrannical way. Bacon allowed his king’s behavior to be checked with evidence showing whether it is the correct way to rule.

The ideal state of bacon, which is expressed in “New Atlantis”, is a Technocracy. According to Bacon, the government must be in the hands of scientists who are endowed with practical knowledge capable of transforming reality and ensuring a better life for humanity.

Bensalem is not a simple city but a gigantic scientific laboratory in the open air whose purpose is to know the causes and forces inside nature and to extend the boundaries of human power. There, atmospheric phenomena are reproduced, insects are artificially manufactured, human life is prolonged, potions are created, all kinds of poisons are tested on animals to provide for human health.

In Barsalem the idea was born that knowledge is not the result of a single individual, science is a team effort

Furthermore, in Bensalem the austerity of customs and the integrity of the inhabitants is considered fundamental. This is why the condemnation of prostitution, homosexuality and all kinds of dissolute behavior through the application of strict moral standards is due.

The English philosopher then, in addition to making a clear distinction between scientific and political activity, strongly separates the sphere of religion from science, stating that only ethics and religion must be concerned with establishing the correct values ​​to be followed.

Bacon takes up the Socratic idea that virtues are the backbones of society and they must be taught and transmitted.