Guido Reni

Nella crocifissione di San Pietro San Pietro è messo a testa in giù quest’opera rimanda molto Caravaggio troviamo uno schema piramidale e rimanda Caravaggio per una serie di contrapposti che vengono a determinarsi nei carnefici ovvero nelle torsioni è il il i contrapposti determinano il movimento delle Car no PC via un drappeggio che illumina …

La famiglia Carracci

A bologna nel 1582 viene fondata un accademia  L’accademia che prima si chiamava A. del Naturale dove si riprendeva l’osservazione del vero, poi successivamente A. dei Desiderosi e poi A. degli Incamminati (perché il cammino artistico era lungo)  fondatori  ludovico, annibale e agostino carracci primi due fratelli e agostino cugino  hanno tutti e tre ruoli …


EMPIRICISM Thomas Hobbes (1588-1678) is one of the most important exponents of english empiricism, → empiricists think that every teories should be created from observation like in scientific method,rather than intuition and faith. According to Locke and to empiricism he thinks that there are no innate ideas (contrasting with Cartesio’ theories ), he thought  that …


EMPIRICISM Bacon’s merit was that of being the first to carry out a cultural battle against Aristotelianism in favor of the possibilities of new knowledge. People initially considered it immoral because Aristotle’s values ​​and principles were seen as absolute truth. With his scientific revolution Bacon reformed knowledge and the method by which to achieve it. …


EMPIRICISM Locke’s empiricism differs from others because it is based on the belief that in morality and in science there is absolutely no valid principle that is not controlled by experience. In the work “The essay on the human intellect” of 1690, Locke said that the boundaries, within which knowledge can develop, are determined by …